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Sonia Simpson | Associate Counsellor

The Gospel has the power to reach into the darkest places of your heart—into the confusion, the heartbreak, the numbness—and bring light. I’ve come to know this not only through my own journey but also by walking alongside others who feel lost, broken, or abandoned. In moments when the tears don’t stop, when loneliness feels overwhelming, and when hope feels out of reach, God sees you. He has not forgotten you.

Through church planting, I’ve witnessed how God meets us in our deepest pain, with a love that restores, heals, and transforms. This has given me a passion to help women wrestling with betrayal, rejection, abandonment, trauma wounds, or strained relationships. My genuine desire is that together, we explore how God’s truth speaks to your unique story and understand more deeply your worth and identity in Him.

As a certified biblical counselor, trained through the Association of Biblical Counseling and Gospel Care Canada, I’m here to walk with you through the mess and the questions. I live in Montreal with my husband and our two children, and it’s been my joy to see how God uses relationships and His Word to bring hope and healing.

You are not alone. There is grace for this moment and hope for what’s ahead.

Please “Click Here” to contact Sonia to inquire about counselling, services, and availability.

More about Sonia…

What led you to become a counselor?

The most formative experience that led me into counseling has been the discipleship and informal counseling opportunities I’ve encountered as a pastor’s wife. Walking alongside the women in our church has shown me how deeply people need gospel-centered care and how few get to benefit from it.

What do you enjoy most about your work as a counsellor?

Being invited into someone’s story during their most vulnerable moments (– the trust that it requires), sitting with someone in their pain, witnessing the power of God’s truth breaking through despair, and seeing hope take root where it once felt impossible. I love the transformation that happens—not just in circumstances, but in the heart—when someone begins to understand in new ways how they are loved and valued by God.

How do you take care of your own mental and emotional well-being?

I prioritize staying in God’s Word, accountability within a faith community, church involvement, serving others, ongoing education, and leaning into the fellowship of believers congruently and transparently.

Do you have any specific areas of expertise or personal interests within counselling?

  • Emotional wounds (neglect, abuse, rejection, betrayal)
  • Issues of trust, abandonment, and relational struggles (e.g., enmeshment, marital conflict)
  • Biblical femininity: understanding identity, worth, and God-given roles
  • Supporting women facing anxiety, numbness, loneliness, and hopelessness
  • Maintenance: meeting with women who simply seek to be more intentional in following God in their lives
  • Rooted in Scripture: helping others see how the gospel transforms identity and circumstances

What are your favourite books or resources related to counselling or personal growth?

Daily Grace Co. podcasts and Bible studies – gospel-centered and relatable resource for women
Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places by Eugene Peterson – on following Christ without legalism
Rediscovering Holiness by J.I. Packer – on holiness in the Christian life
You Are Not Forgotten by Christine Hoover – on feeling unseen and discovering God’s attention
Messy Beautiful Friendship by Christine Hoover – on the challenges and blessings of Christian friendships
The Mortification of Sin by John Owen – on battling sin through Christ

Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt – on applying the gospel to everyday life
The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations by Mary Schaller and John Crilly – on sharing the gospel through relationships
Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund – on the compassionate heart of Jesus
The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller – on biblical truths about marriage
Be Still My Soul by Elizabeth Elliot – on peace and acceptance

How do you integrate your faith or spirituality into your personal life?

The gospel changes and speaks into every area of life. I believe the Christian walk is one of extreme intentionality, where God’s beauty, love, and calling can be seen in the most unexpected and mundane places, each creating a link in His greater plan. For me, this means resting in Christ’s victory and following Him out of that Sabbath rest.

What hobbies or activities do you enjoy outside of your counselling work?

I enjoy working with nonprofits, helping them with marketing needs like digital products and photography. At home, I love writing, baking, scrapbooking with my daughter and having family movie nights.

Are there any personal experiences or life lessons that have shaped your approach to counselling?

Marriage, motherhood, and church planting have profoundly shaped my approach to counseling by revealing the complexity of relationships and the depth of God’s grace in the messiness of life. But I also believe God uses even the smallest childhood memories and everyday moments to teach us about ourselves and His faithfulness.

How do you handle stress or challenges in your life?

I start the day meditating daily on God’s truths in the specific ways they apply to my current circumstances and challenges, I try to steward my time and energy wisely, prioritizing family time, making space for hobbies.

What is one piece of advice or wisdom you find yourself sharing often with clients?

You don’t have to earn God’s love—He already loves you perfectly. His grace is sufficient for every moment, and His power is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Understanding that we are forgiven, loved, and accepted by a gracious Father gives us the strength and courage to face life’s challenges.

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