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Rory Friesen | Counsellor

I find it an honor and privilege to walk with people through the challenging territory of life. Finding truth, grace, and healing in the face of: addictions, loss, depression, anxiety, marriages under stress, parents in need of support, and hurts of all kinds. My approach is gospel-centred, holistic, and clinically informed.

I’ve spent 25 years ministering in the roles of: Pastor/Phase Manager in a men’s addiction centre, Truant Officer (working with broken and struggling inner-city families), and Pastor of Children and Worship. In recent years I have received a Recognition of Prior Learning from Providence University College & Theological Seminary, as well as certification as a Biblical Counsellor through The Association of Biblical Counsellors of which I am a member.

In my spare time I write and record music, go for walks and garden with my wife of 27 years, and spend time laughing with and hearing the hearts of my adult children. I was born and raised in Winnipeg Canada and currently minister at Trails Church Winnipeg as Music and Member Care Lead.

Please “Click Here” to contact Rory to inquire about counselling, services, and availability.

More about Rory…

What led you to become a counsellor?

I’ve worked many years with broken families and people in distress in its various expressions. Whether as a Pastor, Truant Officer or Phase Manager (in an addictions centre), I found that there were two common needs presented. The first was for people to be heard in an understanding and empathetic way, the other was the impartation of divine truth with love and care. The move to meeting those needs in a more clinical and focused setting was one that had been on my heart for some years before God in His providence opened up opportunity through Gospel Care Collective to do so.

What do you enjoy most about your work as a counsellor?

It is a great joy for me to experience the deep affection Christ has for the children of God who are burdened and struggling; as well as His faithfulness to speak in restorative ways through His word. To see the light of Christ increase and darkness decrease over time in the lives of those I’m counselling never ceases to cause wonder and celebration in my heart at how God works for the good of those who love him.

How do you take care of your own mental and emotional well-being?

Maintaining essential relationship is key for me to mental and emotional well-being. Daily times with God in His word and prayer first and foremost, then ensuring time spent with my wife and adult kids throughout the week, and lastly, spending time fellowshipping around the person of Christ and serving with His church. I’m doing really well if able to do some: reading, writing and/or playing music, along with some exercise on top of the essentials.

Do you have any specific areas of expertise or personal interests within counselling?

I have much experience in walking with those struggling with addiction as well as loss and find great joy in revealing gospel realities to younger men and youth as well. Helping people learn to give their pain and sorrow a voice through biblical lament has been a particular interest of mine, as well as seeing them gain a greater knowledge of their identity in Christ.

What are your favourite books or resources related to counselling or personal growth?

I have loved reading the writings of the Puritans who did some foundational work in applying scripture to matters of the heart and life in general. John Owen’s work on ‘The Mortification of Sin…’, and Richard Baxter’s ‘What Are The Best Preservatives Against Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow?’ being a couple. Paul Tauges modern day writing on Christian identity, ‘Remade’ is comprehensive, digestible for all believers and an excellent resource. I utilize many of the homework assignments accumulated on the Association of Biblical Counsellors website as well as projects I’ve used regularly while discipling those recovering from addiction. For my own continued growth I’m always reading some book from the realm of Biblical Counselling, and I’m also drawn to a few excellent podcasts that solidify what I have learned so far and grow my ability to navigate the valleys I’m walking through with counselees according to the Spirit.

How do you integrate your faith or spirituality into your personal life?

I find this a challenging question to answer. It is my hope that any borders between my faith and personal life have disappeared by God’s grace and His ongoing sanctifying work in my life.

What hobbies or activities do you enjoy outside of your counselling work?

My wife and I are loyal Winnipeg Jets fans during the hockey season and love sit down to watch the game together on cold Winnipeg evenings. We also love to get out for walks together in the city or provincial parks. Monday nights are set aside for family dinners with my adult kids and are filled with laughter and love. I personally love to lead worship at Trails Church and play original music at small venues around Winnipeg when I get the chance.

Are there any personal experiences or life lessons that have shaped your approach to counselling?

I feel that there are many experiences and life lessons that have shaped the way I approach counselling. Being a husband for 27 years and a father for 25 has been the most refining/humbling part of my life. God has used (and is continuing to use) these roles to teach me how to love the person in front of me well. My time before Christ in the music scene in Winnipeg gave me insight to the life of an addict; and the loss of my brother to addiction, revealed to me the depth of struggle and sorrow experienced by those close to those enslaved to it. Coming alongside of broken people and family as a Truant Office for 17 years has given me a sense of being at home with those in need of God’s healing and restorative work. There are a few scriptures that I believe would characterize the way God has shaped me to walk with those I counsel: Proverbs 15:1a ‘A soft answer turns away wrath’, Ephesians 4:2 ‘with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,’ Ephesians 4:15 ‘speaking truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him, the head who is Christ’

How do you handle stress or challenges in your life?

Praying and staying grounded in God’s word even when I don’t feel like it, has been how I have learned to cope with stress. Fixing my eyes on the author and finisher of my faith (Heb 12:2,3) as the Holy Spirit empowers me to do so. And praise God, he has given me good pastors and other counsellors (my wife being the best) in my life to turn to. And, it’s amazing how God uses other Christians at just the right time to bring help and encouragement my way when I’m struggling.

What is one piece of advice or wisdom you find yourself sharing often with clients?

I often find myself sharing Psalm 121 and Galatians 2:20 ‘…it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me’, with those who are struggling with anxiety. Followed by a conversation of just how much power (Creator and Sustainer of existence) and goodness (revealed at the cross) there is available to the One who resides in them.

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